Welcome to S.E.E.E.D. College.

...and the biggest question?

Is climate change to be a slow or dramatic warming?

We live on a carbon planet.

We are carbon-based life-forms.

Every part of your body is made up of chains of carbon atoms.

We are fuelled by carbon and water.

Exchanging carbon is part of every day life.

We breathe carbon out, trees breathe carbon in and breathe out the oxygen we all need to live.

This is the cycle of life.

The Carbon Cycle.

Is pumping CO2 into the atmosphere going to reach a tipping point soon, and we all drown!

Or are we going to simmer in the pot slowly?

Whatever is the outcome of the climate,

we are shutting CO2 industries down.

Farmers are protesting across Europe and America.

The coffee industry may be next.

People will be allotted a carbon number to adhere to.

And all sorts of limitations linked to climate change.

It's a new time.

It's a new wave.

If you don't comply, where are you?

We Are in The Midst of An Experiment.

The Biggest in The World.