Dr. Ridgway Banks - The Nitinol Engine

The Nitinol engine, which utilizes the shape memory alloy Nitinol (Nickel-Titanium alloy) to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy, was invented by Dr. Ridgway Banks. Dr. Banks was an employee at the U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, where Nitinol itself was discovered by William J. Buehler and Frederick Wang in the early 1960s. Dr. Banks' invention harnessed the unique properties of Nitinol, which can change shape in response to temperature changes, to create an engine capable of converting heat into motion.

The Nitinol Engine is one of the missing marvels of our time. Memory metals spring back to their original shape witha little warm water at an astounding 50 ton per square inch. This engine uses a 20 degree difference in temperature to use memory metal like paddles that move back and forth pushing (or paddling) the ring around and around... and we have a new engine that runs on waste heat.